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Shared stories, advice and inspiration from women in adventure all over the world.

Walks are for everyone

Walks are for everyone

I would like to emphasise the fact that walking is open to everyone of any ability and gender. I see walking as a step for equality, awareness, diversity and openness. I believe we need to increase...

Trying new things

Trying new things

This year I somehow decided to try doing triathlons. I have loved the excuse to get outdoors and swim, bike or run in lots of new and beautiful places. My advice is to give something a try even if...

One small step into the unknown

One small step into the unknown

The world is a scary and intimidating place sometimes...but sometimes all you really need is to take a leap of faith. This is my leap of faith onto the biggest glacier in France! Submitted by...


When I go outside, I listen. When I focus on listening, I think less. When I think less, the thoughts of everyday life fade away. Some of those thoughts are unhealthy (anxiety, stress, "what should...

My Messy Middle!

My Messy Middle!

In May 2017 I cycled from John O'Groats to Lands End solo and unsupported. It was the culmination of the last few years growing confidence in both body and mind. I am still in awe of the person I...

Old dogs and new tricks

Learning to climb and taking up caving in my 40's was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I overcame my fear of heights (I couldn't climb a step ladder), I'm stronger mentally and...

Get those kids outside immediately

Get those kids outside immediately

Our oldest son's 1st night out camping was at 6 weeks old. We drove the long way (via Canada) to get to Michigan. The two of us slept in the tent while my husband slept in the truck, but it didn't...

20 seconds of insane bravery!

20 seconds of insane bravery!

I work in the outdoors helping people develop their leadership through practical experience. It's an awesome job, and I work with awesome people (we have a pool of staff of 38 professionals from all...

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If you have a personal story, advice or inspiration you would like to share with other Women in Adventure on our Inspiration Page we would love to hear from you.