Your Information

How Women in Adventure handles your data:

  • All survey responses are kept anonymous, and personal data is never passed on to other individuals or organisations.
  • When filling out our surveys you never have to tell Women in Adventure who you are, and you will only be contacted if you have given us your permission.
  • Any information you choose to share will be stored securely by Women in Adventure in line with GDPR requirements.
  • Any information entering the public domain will be completely anonymised.
  • If at any point you would like to us to remove your details from our database or remind you of what information we have stored please get in touch.

Our Approach:

  • Women in Adventure is an independent research organisation.

We would like to emphasise that all work related to our research is completely independent and transparent. Our organisation is not backed or influenced by anything other than your opinion and experience.

  • What you consent by participating in our research:

By answering questions on this website, you agree that you are of sound mind and happy to do so. You are aware of the nature of the questions, and you give consent for your anonymised data to be used in resulting studies and to be released into the public domain.