Old dogs and new tricks

Old dogs and new tricks Learning to climb and taking up caving in my 40’s was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I overcame my fear of heights (I couldn’t climb a step ladder), I’m stronger mentally and physically. I have learnt that I have...
Get those kids outside immediately

Get those kids outside immediately

Get those kids outside immediately Our oldest son’s 1st night out camping was at 6 weeks old. We drove the long way (via Canada) to get to Michigan. The two of us slept in the tent while my husband slept in the truck, but it didn’t matter because we were...
How an adventure with other women could change your life

How an adventure with other women could change your life

How an adventure with other women could change your life I recently gave a TEDx talk with this title, it came from a deep desire to communicate the benefits of having adventures in extreme wilderness, pushing your own boundaries, spending time in the company of other...
20 seconds of insane bravery!

20 seconds of insane bravery!

20 seconds of insane bravery! I work in the outdoors helping people develop their leadership through practical experience. It’s an awesome job, and I work with awesome people (we have a pool of staff of 38 professionals from all walks of life). One of them owns...

Cycling on the road

Cycling on the road A lot of women are apprehensive about road riding because of clip-in pedals, cars, finding the right fit, wearing lycra….. Men go off and don’t give it a thought. There are clubs just for you girls!! Come out and enjoy the ride, the...