My Messy Middle!
In May 2017 I cycled from John O’Groats to Lands End solo and unsupported. It was the culmination of the last few years growing confidence in both body and mind. I am still in awe of the person I had to become to do this.
I started out with a simple idea and a very false front telling everyone who asked, ‘it’s ok – I can do this‘…. whilst inside feeling that knot of wondering what the hell I had signed up for. I was also extremely self-conscious about showing off about this adventure thing. Who am I – I said to myself constantly in the lead-up and that was carried with me into the ride itself.

It was only on day three that I meet who I was face to face and found out how strong and vulnerable I could be. I spent 13 days cycling 989 miles. I am so proud of what I have done but more than that I am proud of what I have inspired in others along the way.
My clients benefit from my personal experiences – they know I have been there too. My inbox dances with messages from people who I have unknowingly helped… This encourages me.
You can read about my messy middle here – that day that turned the tables for me. When the adventure was real and personal. The moment I stepped into the person I had been cultivating to do this. Read the full story.