Late Bloomer

I was 48 years old and zeroing in on 250 pounds. When on the dental table I had a reaction to the anaesthetic and had to be resuscitated several times.
The dentist told me “you almost went out of here in a body bag”. I became very ill and despondent.
I still don’t know what exactly triggered the mental change in me but I decided to change. I hired a trainer and began a long journey towards wellness. I’ve discovered a passion for the outdoors that I did not know existed I lost almost 50 pounds, ran a marathon, then did a triathlon.
I joined a women’s adventure team even though I was the oldest by far I am now zeroing in on 58, But I am living a joy-filled life that is deeply satisfying. I hike daily, kayak, mountain bike, snowshoe, distance cycle, backpack and recently took up climbing.
I am ageing but intend to go out swinging. And so very happy!