Hiking and Travel Saved My Soul
One day I reached the point where I felt empty dead. I had all the society dreams of but I was … dead inside, my brain in a cage. I finally left everything behind and took my backpack to try to find a reason for living. Hiking and travelling became my ways to feel alive, free and find a pulse.
The best way to realise how nature is powerful and that one step at the time into the present is the way to go! Breath, one step, reach the top of that mountain one tiny step at a time and at the end, you end up trekking the overland track, the Canadian Rockies, The Queen Charlotte Track, The Surf Coast Walk and many others!!!
– Gone flying –
One day she had enough,
She took her backpack and it was tough.
Flying miles away to find the key,
To live the moment, feeding her memory,
Searching the treasure to feel alive,
Meeting people, sharing their lives.
Each smile, each experience is changing her,
She realises how much travel teaches her.
Adventure changes the way to see the world,
How much you are lucky to live in your own world.
Traveling opens your mind, opens your soul,
You leave some part of you, feeling like a fool,
Losing yourself you find a pulse,
And you will never change anything born from that impulse.
Just go, fly, leave,
Leave to live.
Breath, fall, learn grow, Inspire.
You are the master of your dream,
There is no wrong just follow the stream.