Embrace being a beginner

Women are very very often shy about their achievements, trying to stay in the background, “happier” in the role of a support team for whoever is trying to achieve success.
From my professional experience from working in personal development, I realised that very accomplished women – mothers, managers often undermine their achievements or are not sure about trying something new. This is especially difficult in the outdoor arena since participating in a lot of these sports would mean being the only girl on the trip.
Advice to you all out there (and I surely have to take it in big-time): just go for it. Embrace the stage of being a beginner. For once, let your partner support YOU on a sports endeavour. Take time for yourself. Go for it. Give yourself pep talks, breathe in and out and go for it. Life truly does begin at the end of the zone where everything is doable, but doing something that seems super scary will give you more confidence, will help you grow, will help you become a better partner, parent, employee, woman.
Just…. GO for it and know you have the support of all of us!
xoxo, K.